Thursday, July 19, 2012


We had our ultrasound this morning. So thankful Stuart is still on a good schedule and was able to go with me. It's fun having him there :) We successfully made it through without finding out the gender! It was all curled up in a ball, but we were still able to see pretty much everything. It's amazing how much you can see on these ultrasounds, every little bone in its spine, little fingers, eyes, the heart beating, and it even stuck its tongue out at us. The only thing I wanted was to see a healthy baby and everything looks great! He/She is estimated to weigh about 12 ounces right now. I am already in love with this little person and feel so blessed. Babies truly are little miracles.

So what's your guess? Boy or girl? 

I'm guessing it's a girl and she's going to look like Scarlett. Guess we'll see in about 4 months! :)