Wednesday, September 21, 2011

{6 Months}

Dear Scarlett,

It's amazing how fast 1/2 a year goes by. 

You're already 6 months old. 

*You're trying to crawl, but you just roll and scoot all over the place. 

*You can sit by yourself for a little bit, but eventually end up falling over or squishing your little belly. 

*You're eating baby food now. Your favorite is squash! And you hate peas (I don't blame you)

*You LOVE your big Sissy! You smile every time you see her or hear her voice, and you always laugh at her. It's adorable. 

*Your bottom left tooth is going to pop through any day now! You like to chew on everything. 

*You take 3 naps a day.

*You've decided 6:30 is the time to get up every morning. But that's ok, I love seeing your smiling face when I get you out of your crib :)

*Somehow you manage to pull your arm out of your pajamas while you're sleeping. I don't know what you do at night!

*You weighed 15lbs 6oz at your 6 month checkup.

*Even though you're 6 months you fit into 9 month clothes. I love your little rolls :)

*You like to put yourself to sleep, so I cherish the times you still let me rock you to sleep.

*I LOVE spending one on one time with you. It's very rare, but it's a sweet sweet moment when we do. 

Couldn't imagine the last 1/2 a year without you! 

I love watching you grow & learn, but don't grow up too fast little one ;)