Thursday, December 29, 2011

Before Christmas

We stayed "home" this Christmas. We love going to Texas to see our family, but now that we have kids we enjoy making our own family traditions.

We decorated a gingerbread train.

They might as well put cardboard in these kits, they're  hard as a rock! Oh well, fun $9 activity to throw in the trash a few days later hah!

Then my husband came home from work early a few days before Christmas and told us to pack our bags for a couple nights. I thought he was joking. I had a few ideas, but didn't know where we were going. 

He surprised us with a little trip to Atlanta for the weekend!
We have friends who live there who were kind enough to watch Scarlett while we took Bryn to see The Nutcracker. He had this all planned out :)

I didn't get any pictures from The Nutcracker b/c I didn't think we could bring our cameras in. So I only have this pic of Fox Theatre from the outside. It was pretty, even on a rainy day! 

While we were in Atlanta we decided to go ice skating b/c Brynlee had been begging to go for a couple weeks. She was so excited :)

She could barely walk in her skates and this is what it looked like when she started skating haha!

She got much better by the end. And my goodness, there's nothing like feeling out of shape until you put on a pair of ice skates!! I don't think we've ice skated in 10+ years. But it was really fun!

Once we got back home we made goodies for the neighbors. 
Including cookies, rice krispie treats, and reindeer food!

Then we delivered them to the neighbors.

All dressed up for the Christmas Eve service at church!

Christmas Eve night the girls got dressed in their matching pjs and sprinkled reindeer food on the lawn and waited for Santa to come!! 

A few phone pics from the night....



Scarlett is ready for her 1st Christmas!! 

Friday, December 9, 2011

{9 Months}

Scarlett, you are 9 months old! 

*At your checkup you weighed in at 18lbs 6oz and are 25 inches tall. 
Apparently you are a very short baby! Short & sweet :)

*You're crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything! 
(been crawling since 7 months, but Mommy's a bad blogger and is just now posting)

*You love to eat leaves when Mommy's not looking. Yes, leaves. :-/ 

*You still sleep all night, usually longer than your 3 year old sister! Can you send her the memo please ;)
(We put you to bed around 8 and you wake up around 7)

*You loooove bath time! 
You splash the whole time & like to chew on your washcloth. 

*You finally have a tooth!!!
I thought it was going to come in months ago and it finally did. Sharp little thing! 

*You love your little baby snacks. 
And shockingly you will eat peas & green beans straight out of the jar now!! Such a good girl :)

*I thought you would have been all over the Christmas tree this year, but you've only touched it a few times! 

*You love to play kitchen with sissy. You usually just taste test the food ;)

*You are the queen of blowouts! Sometimes you're referred to as the poop queen lol! Mommy would appreciate if she didn't have to clean up poopy clothes anymore. Thank you :)

*You like Mickey Mouse :)

*You love to throw your head back ALL the time! 

*You don't sit still very long. This makes changing diapers and dressing you a challenge. 

*You can say "Da-da" now! And that makes Daddy happy :)

You're growing up too fast! It really hit me when I took you to the dr and you're next apt will be your 1 year checkup! 1 year?!?! Seriously, didn't we just bring you home from the hospital?

Sigh... :(

Soaking up these baby days & all this baby cuteness.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Catching up...Santa Pics!

My gosh, time flies! Sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I was going to try and catch up but....a lot has happened in the past 3 months! So, I'll just post on recent things.

This past weekend my aunt & cousin came to visit! It was so nice to be able to catch up with them since we don't get to see them often. We went downtown for a "night on the town" and this little one slept because it was so boring she was so tired!

Then we dressed up the girls and took them to see Santa! 

They both liked him! 
When Bryn saw him she yelled "Santa! Santa! Santa!!!" But once she sat on his lap she wouldn't talk haha, go figure! Guess she doesn't want anything for Christmas. That's easy ;)

Here are some more pics from my phone...

Our elf on the shelf is here :)

This is the girl's mini tree. The one they get to decorate. Can you tell? 

Watching cartoons together.
(That chair is there b/c Scarlett is fascinated with the cable box! lol)

Every time I tell B to give her sister a hug it always looks like she's choking her! 
She's not. 

Ok, maybe this one is a little close, lol poor baby!
They really do love each other :)