Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Catch Up...

I've sat down about 5 times to write a few recent posts, but haven't managed to get anything out. My brain is lazy. So here's a catch up from the past couple weeks...

The girls were cheerleaders for Halloween.
They have Texas blood :)

We went trick or treating with some friends b/c Stuart had to work, but he managed to make it in time just as we were leaving! :)

Bryn had her last soccer game.
Don't let this picture fool you, I think that's the only time she ever ran to the ball ha. 
Let's just say soccer probably isn't the sport for her. She's too girly ;)

She did like being the goalie though!
And was just excited to get a trophy at the end :)

I'm now 37 weeks pregnant! (Full term)
At my checkup last week I was 2-3 cm & 80% effaced! 
Which means she could be here soon. We're just waiting....patiently hah.
Trying to get everything crossed off my pre-baby to do list. 
I managed to prepare 10 freezer meals last week! 

Last week the USO put on a free Sesame Street show for us on base. 
The girls had fun!

The Marine Corps birthday was on Saturday. I told my husband that I refused to go this year being 3 weeks away from my due date, so he invited his dad to go with him. 

And I'll leave you with some random pictures, b/c this whole post is random & I'm lazy haha.

Maybe my next post will include a birth story & pictures of a baby girl??? 
Wishful thinking :)

1 comment:

  1. James was honored to come and join Stuart at the Marine Ball. It is really great that the USO put on a show for all the Marine families. We support the USO and everything they do for you guys and all the military. The girls' Halloween costumes are a little touch of Mom and Dad's home state.
