I can't keep up with all of these updates!
I feel like every month, one of the kids either has a birthday or a milestone.
Ellie is 6 months already!

-I normally put her to bed around 8 and she sleeps until 7ish! This morning I had to wake her up because she was still sleeping at 8:00 and we had to get ready and leave for PT! Funny how the kids always sleep in when have somewhere to be.
-As of her 6 month well check, she weighs 18lbs 10oz and is 26.5 inches tall. Everyone comments on how big she is, but she's actually just a little above average for a 6 month old :)
-She is rolling and scooting all over now. If I put her down and she sees something nearby, she turns her whole body to try and get to it. She's even trying to get up on her knees! Not so sure I'm ready for a crawling baby yet.
-We started her on solid foods last week. She wasn't too crazy about it, but each day she's getting better and seems to be liking it more now.
-She is OBSESSED with her tongue! She always has her tongue sticking out or is sucking on her tongue. It's so funny, and has now become her classic look.
-She has been doing great at PT, and will be finished with her therapy in the next couple of weeks! She has full range of motion both ways, just has a little tilt left.
-Her nicknames are Ellie Bell, LuLu or Lu, Elles, and in the voice of a 2 year old Scarlett calls her Eddy & WuWu.
-She can sit supported, but not completely by herself yet.
-She's a great baby, and goes with the flow. Not that she has much of a choice ;)
We love you Lu!
Hoping the next 6 months go by slower than the past 6, but I know they won't :(
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