Thursday, December 27, 2012

Daddy Hospital Bag

I posted before that I made hospital bags for the girls, but I also made one for my husband. Just a gift bag filled with some fun goodies :)

This is what I put inside: 

Pop Tart - "I wouldn't want to pop out a baby with anyone but you!"
Beef Jerky - "I know I've been kind of jerky, but thanks for putting up with me."
5 Hour Energy - "You're going to need some extra energy with 3 little girls."
Goldfish - "You're o-fish-ally the daddy of 3! Better sign up for therapy now."
Reeses Pieces - "I love you to pieces."
Hot Tamales - "You're one HOT Daddy!"

He liked it ;)

I'm working on some new posts to catch up since Ellie has arrived, but obviously we've been a little busy around here. It'll happen eventually... hope you all had a Merry Christmas! :)

1 comment:

  1. We bet that Daddy dove right into all the goodies you provided in the bag. Too cute!
