25 Weeks
*Baby is moving around a lot now. He/She likes to sleep during the day and have parties at night :)
*Nothing fits anymore. I've been living in my pjs & tank tops!
*Brynlee got to see my belly move last week and thought that was really cool :) She talks about the baby all the time!
*The nursery is pretty much finished. It's all gender neutral and I'll add a few boy/girl things once the baby is born. Scarlett is still staying in that room, but we've already set up her new crib in Bryn's room for them to share. I'll post pics soon!
We've also been listening to the baby's heartbeat. I bought the AngelSounds fetal doppler when I was pregnant with Scarlett and it's been such a fun thing to have to listen to the baby's heartbeat at home!
What a neat idea to have the ability to listen to the baby's heartbeat whenever you want to! Hopefully the baby will get the sleep and party patterns switched around after its birth!