Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Slip n slide

Bryn has been bugging me to play in the sprinklers, so on Mother's day I decided to pull out the slip and slide so they could play. 

Lu loved it :)

Although the big girls would run by and splash her, she didn't mind. 

I tried putting a 6 month swimsuit on this chunk and couldn't even get it over her thighs. She's wearing a 12-18 month suit! 

Yay for warm weather & sunshine! These girls love to be outside :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Funny Friday

The kids always do and say things that make me laugh. Brynlee is at the age where she says a lot of funny things now. Things that I always want to write down and remember so we can laugh at them when she's older, so I thought I would start a "Funny Friday" post and share them with you here!


We always take "rocket ship" rides to the moon (aka airplane) and they also like to use my legs as a slide. Well, I recently discovered that I bruised my tailbone when I had Ellie so we've had to take a break.

The other day, when I was laying on the floor Bryn tried climbing on me and I said "Be careful, Mommy's bone is bruised." So she got off...

Then Scarlett tried climbing on me and Bryn said "No Scarlett! Mommy's brain is loose!"

Mommy's bone is bruised, Mommy's brain is loose. Same thing. Ha!


Yesterday, as I was cleaning up after dinner Brynlee said "Now intrrrrrrroducinnnng Scarlett!!" And in walked a butt naked Scarlett. 

There's never a dull moment around here ;)