On Saturday, Stuart's battalion had an Easter party for the families. Normally he doesn't get to show up to these things until later, so I decided we would wait and leave when it started. Instead, I got a text saying to come earlier....go figure! I was up with the baby from 4:30-6, made cupcakes at 9am that I forgot to make the night before, spent 20 mins looking for a shirt, got everyone ready while Ellie was screaming her head off as we're trying to leave, pulled Easter baskets down from the closet only to have last years candy fly all over the place, somehow managed to put makeup on in between there, iced cupcakes as we were walking out the door, and made it in time to see Daddy for a little bit!
The girls came home and decorated more cupcakes.
And dyed eggs...
Stuart had duty that night, so it was just the girls & me the next morning.
They woke up and had fun digging into their baskets.
Then we read the Easter story from their Bible.
And they made this craft.
This little girl melts me in her Easter bonnet.
Her first Easter :)
We hope you all had a blessed Easter!