Monday, August 29, 2011

{Let's Talk Jar}

Do you ever run out of things to talk about at the dinner table? 
Or always talk about the same things?

Well, I found this idea at How Does She a while back and decided to make our own "let's talk" jar.

It's filled with conversation starters & questions/facts to make dinner time fun! 
Dinner time in our house is family time
We always try to turn the tv off and just focus on each other!

It's been fun to pull out a question or 2 every night and see what each others answers are :)
Like our recent semi-long conversation about the fact that dragonflies have a life span of only 24 hours! 
Who knew?!?

This is a fun way to spend quality time with your family. 
Try it :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

{Preschool-Week 1}

This week Brynlee started preschool! I've been thinking about homeschooling for a while, so preschool seems like the perfect "practice time" to see if it's right for us or not! 

I decided to use the curriculum from ABC Jesus Loves Me. It's a 3 year old program that is also bible based, which was important for me when I was looking at different curriculums. 

She was so excited to start school! 

I bought a calendar for the house and she has already learned the days of the week! 
In just 3 days of school! I'm amazed.

These are the things we worked on this week. 

Drawing zeros in shaving cream = Fun!

More zeros...

And she's been working on her "God Created" book since she's learning the days of creation. 
Here are a couple pictures from this week. She's so excited to finish the rest of her book next week!
We had fun snacks to incorporate with our days of creation like oreos (for light & dark) and blue yogurt & marshmallows (for the water & sky) She thought it was fun to eat the "clouds" :)

She has been walking around singing the days of the week and reciting her Bible verse all week! 
I'm impressed :) 

And to end the week with more fun, she started dance! 
Which she loves! Can you tell?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

{Popo the noseless dog}

Became her best bud at the age of 1.
He was her replacement when I took her pacifier away.
They started a bond attached at the nose. 
And at 3 years old she's still attached. 

Nap time is rare for her these days, so when she actually does I like to capture these "sweet & quiet" moments :) 

Ok, I admit I have an obsession with those eyelashes
(and I'm very slightly jealous)

Friday, August 12, 2011


Welcome to my blog :)

I'm here to share the crazy, pretty, messy, and everything-in-between moments of our little life.
Because let's face it. Life's not always pretty! But it's all a blessing.

{It's the little moments that mean the most}